
Meeting Creators where they are in-app with the help support they need


Product designer


Product thinking
Interaction design
Visual design
User testing


6 weeks

“As a Creator, I want to get my issues resolved quickly and efficiently so that I can continue creating and doing my job
on Instagram.”

Creators frequently encounter issues relating to monetization, audience engagement, and safety— all which prevents them from doing their job on Instagram. However, Instagram's current support system is buried within the Settings page, forcing Creators to navigate away from their issue at hand and dig through Help Center articles.

Adding to this confusion, Instagram's Rage Shake feature is often misunderstood as a means to contact support agents. Both Creators and general users mistakenly use this feature hoping to receive assistance, only to never hear back from anyone.

In this project, I led the design process with two key questions in mind:

  • How can we provide support to Creators when and where they need it most? Creators shouldn't have to navigate further away from their issue or attempt to troubleshoot on their own. Support should be readily available within the context of their problem.

  • How can we leverage Rage Shake's existing functionality? Rage Shake can be activated from anywhere within the app with a simple shake of the phone. It presents a bottom sheet featuring an intake form tailored specifically for reporting technical issues and bugs.

This work is under NDA.
Reach out if you want to learn more!


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